The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36423   Message #504110
Posted By: MMario
11-Jul-01 - 12:29 PM
Thread Name: Posting anonymously
Subject: RE: Posting anonymously
This site doesn't require that you connect your psuedonym to an e-mail login - however, if you choose not to do so, then you are labled as a Guest,psudeonym. That is fine by us.

But we do like to have a name we can "hook" our conversation to; and yes, we get aggravated if someone uses the fact that the forum doesn't require this to specifically to rile people up.

BTW - THANK you for comprimising on the use of a consistant psuedonym. As Dave the Gnome pointed out - doesn't mean someone malicious couldn't come along and do the same - but *I* for one refuse to be that paranoid.

NOTE:just about everyone on this forum has disagreed with just about everyone else at some point or another. (And probably will again if they stick around) And most of us have managed just fine doing it under the exact same posting name we do everything else on the forum under.