The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36423   Message #504158
Posted By: MMario
11-Jul-01 - 01:13 PM
Thread Name: Posting anonymously
Subject: RE: Posting anonymously
all - no - you don't get the point. no one is forced to use a psuedonym. however - for more then casual interaction it is polite that one is used. and yes, eventually constant rudeness will sooner or later be ansewered with rudeness.

and the site owner/administrator has not gotton involved. it is the other posters on the forum - and yes, basically we have said play the way we want or we won't play with you. You of course don't have to play the way we want - but if you choose not to conform to the norms then you can't expect others to conform to YOUR norms.

MANY, MANY people have come here as guests, been welcomed and stick around - some as guests, some join. and *gosh* they all have names attached.

and while free speech is a right (in the US - and many of this forum do not live in the US - remember that) in the US the right to know and face your accurser also stands. So since the "Guests" we have the gbiggest problem with are the argumentative, attacking ones, yes, it is nice to have names to put to them.

As far as addressign you rather then the issue, you still continue to completely avoid discussing why the thread title and the first post address totally different issues - neither of which you have actually addressed except in passing.

In addition - every time it appears that this thread is about to "simmer down" - you come back and post another little "dig". but we are suppossed to believe that you are not trolling? Luckily for you - i'm tired, I'm brain burnt and I don't have the self control to resist answering you. it worked. Happy?