The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36452   Message #504396
Posted By: Metchosin
11-Jul-01 - 04:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spermless Pregnancy
Subject: RE: BS: Spermless Pregnancy
You're correct Noreen, parthenogenesis, a form of reproduction in which an unfertilized egg develops into an adult animal, usually occurs in what we consider "lower" life forms, such as rotifers, some gastropod molluscs and some crustaceans.

However, in 1953 the USDA reported the first case of advanced natural parthenogenesis in birds; spontaneous development of embryos without normal fertilization. I have no idea if they are clones of the mother (I would assume they would be ) or as in the case of honeybees, the unfertilized egg would produce a drone or male.

Interesting, pavane, that parthenogenesis has been found to be triggered by a virus, clever little things aren't they? Still it doesn't explain why, as I was told years ago, that this occurred more often when the hen was exposed to the sight of a rooster.