The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36465   Message #504589
Posted By: 8_Pints
11-Jul-01 - 08:36 PM
Thread Name: manchester sports guild folk club
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
I remember going there after my Saturday job in Safeways! Went one week with a couple of friends (Liz and Pete, Bron) after I'd split up with my boyfriend and some bloke chatted me up. We've been married for 24 years!

We have a very old LP (1967) that was a live recording at the club featuring the Taverners, Mary Asquith and Sheila, the Penine Folk, Harry Ogden, Lyn Taylor and Ken Wilson.

I seem to remember a duo called Ad Hoc and a group called Gypsy's Kiss. There was also a very young Paul Brady with the Johnsons. Anybody who was anybody I guess!

Sue vG