The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8219   Message #50561
Posted By: Alice
22-Dec-98 - 08:34 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Addiction
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
Hmmm, Allison you made me stop and think.... ok, I forced my voice when I was practicing last Thursday (I knew better) and then tried to rest it all day Friday by not talking, practiced singing again Friday night, then woke up Saturday, croaking like a bullfrog when I tried to talk or sing. I sucked on anchovies (the salt and fish oil help) and then ventured out at 1pm in the well below zero cold to perform, since THE SHOW MUST GO ON .... and I am addicted to singing. If I stayed up in the high range, my voice didn't break, so I was having so much fun that I continued singing for everyone after the show, while we put away the folding chairs and cleaned up the room! Even went to the session Sunday night so I could play, even though I couldn't sing.
Sucking on anchovies just so I could sing???!!!..... I must be addicted. That was worse than going out in the cold. Gag me with an anchovy, but don't stop me from singing. (denial, what denial..... help)

It has now warmed up to 8 degrees f. above zero.

alice in montana