The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36484   Message #506263
Posted By: lady penelope
14-Jul-01 - 05:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dan Dare--is nothing sacred?
Subject: RE: BS: Dan Dare--is nothing sacred?
To answer your question " is nothing sacred?" you only haveto look at what Stallone did to Judge Dredd. And please don't blame the director, the poor lad was heart broken. Imagine being a fan of a comic since it first came out, you even win one of their poster competitions, you grow up, become a director and some one ASKS you to direct this film! What joy, what bliss, until you find out that Mr Stallone has a controlling interest in the film and has decided he doesn't like the way the story goes.

It was so bad that most of the people they used as consultants on the writing and the design ( the people who wrote and drew for the comic) removed their names from the credits and made a public statement to the effect that they did not wish to be associated with the film. I met Pat Mills after, he was fuming!

So yes they can and will make a complete balls up of your favourite comic. The only one I've seen so far that really worked was TankGirl and that was because Hewlitt was in on EVERYTHING!

Rant over.

TTFN M'Lady P.