The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36649   Message #507450
Posted By: Sorcha
16-Jul-01 - 01:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Briard Puppies!!
Subject: Briard Puppies!!
Sorry, shameless brag here! My best friend Judith's Briard bitch had 4 babies this morning! 2 dogs, 2 bitches. (Briard--French sheep dog. Giant hairy dog sort of like a Lahsa Apso on stilts). If you know Briards and want one, PM me for more info. This means I am a Great Aunt!!!

Other friend J'Nora's Basenji puppies are due Friday. Want a wild and crazy dog that doesn't bark? (Doesn't mean it doesn't make noise.......) Cool African dogs!

Sorry if this bugs you, but we have been really worried about Nunca (Deja Vu Non Negotiable) ever since she was bred. Virgin breeding and Briards are known for large (12-18) litters. We were worried about both Nunca and her "Mom" keeping up with a large litter.

If you really are interested in either breed, please PM or e mail me, OK?