The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36652   Message #507498
Posted By: clansfolk
16-Jul-01 - 06:01 AM
Thread Name: The Lawyer - 2 Farmers - 1 Cow HELP
Subject: The Lawyer - 2 Farmers - 1 Cow HELP
We have been singing a song for many years about 2 farmers arguing over the ownership of a cow - they take it to law and the case goes on and on during this time the lawyer is milking the cow.......

The song was learned by my co singist on his mothers knee (I know it would have been a longer song but she was only a short woman!) - and although we have come across jokes, pictures and a bronze statue depicting the incident it would be nice to know the history of the song and the story behind it and if it is based on a true incident. Also who wrote the song - it may have been John's (co-singist) Mum but he has no way to prove it or otherwise.

If you have any information it would be great - or if anyone knows who produced the pictures or bronzes

I have also heard the pictured and bronze referred to as "Litigation" or "The Litigation"

Cheers - Pete

The Song................ (written as it was first sung in a Lancashire Dialect)


Two farmers met at a fair and between 'em bought a cow,
They both wanted to take it 'ome, but couldn't agree somehow.
They met a Lawyer on the way, who tried to square the case,
And how they carried on that day, you'd say t'was a disgrace.



One Farmer pulled its 'ead and the other one pulled its tail,
And over it they had a jolly row, hello,
And both to law they went, and all their money spent,
Whilst the Lawyer kept a milking of the cow, cow, cow,
Whilst the Lawyer kept a milking of the cow.


Said Brown unto the Lawyer, "Just list to what I say,
We bought the cow between us, Jones had no money to pay.
He said 'He'd give me an I.O.U.' but I didn't think that was straight,
If you tell me haow to keep the cow, I'll give you six and eight."


Said Farmer Jones, "Now make no bones, that cow belongs to me
We bought the cow between us, but I first the cow did see,
Brown knows we made a bargain, and now he wants to row,
But I mean to fight, with all my might, till he gives me half that cow."


So, Brown and Jones to law they went and what with fees and costs,
They at each other cursed and swore, till all their money was lost.
The Judge at last dismissed the case, and costs would not allow,
I'm sorry to say, that neither could pay, so the Lawyer kept the cow.
