The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36649   Message #508272
Posted By: catspaw49
16-Jul-01 - 11:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Briard Puppies!!
Subject: RE: BS: Briard Puppies!!
Dogs??? Cats??? What is this??? Are you all trying to ruin the joint? These are completely inappropriate topics here at the Mudact Cafe. Or maybe they aren't....Or maybe I should post as a nice Guest....nah....maybe the more nasty flaming/trolling Guest and suggest you are all sick puppies!!! Have these conversations elsewhere!!!! BRIARDS???? What the hell is that? A brand of ice cream or something? Dogs are like things like Weimaraners I don't mind telling you....Not some damn mint chocolate stuff!!!! I think you're both.....uh,....well,.........look here, you're got're both FEMALE for gawdsake!!!!!! Yeah....that's that means you both probably pray for your ass to get narrower huh? HUH???? Betcha' do!!!! Go ahead.....start a healing thread........I know you want to..........

geeziz......Read a couple threads last night after a weekend camping, and then spent the day trying to heal up the walking or limping wounded (sunburns, tetanus shots, assorted sprains and cuts---it was one helluva' weekend) and finally tonight, I read a boatload and am once again completely fascinated with this place. I'm generally around for the hash-outs, but I missed the hot and heavy part of this one and when you sit back and read the stuff..........fascinating......Still one helluva' place.

AND.....I figured that with this bunch on this thread, there might be a chance to post some inanity rather than insanity. Really though, I am happy for the Mommas and glad that all is well.........Sins, calicos are handy because you rarely have to guess the sex, BUT.....there are slightly over 1% of calicos that are male...tis a fact!

The big question here is-----When do my seegars arrive???
