The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36690   Message #509029
Posted By: M.Ted
17-Jul-01 - 06:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Leased Convicts-Alabama
Subject: RE: BS: Leased Convicts-Alabama
Apparently, Jack, that all that some people care to think about. I didn't finish my comment, and I should--I grew up in an auto factory town in the North, and many of my childhood friends were from various parts of the South (both black and white)--there was an amazing predisposition among the literate, sophisticated, and allegedly liberal Northerners to assume that anyone with a drawl was ignorant, illiterate, and a racist, this was accompanied by a simultaneous belief that they themselves were free of prejudice, that racism was absent, and equality, and fairness were all around. Anyone with eyes to see knew different, of course, but denial is a tenacious creature--

Back in the 60's and 70's, many of us who had listened to and played rural and southern music would occasionally get a bit of self-righteous scolding for liking the music of "crackers and racists"--and often from people who were closet bigots themselves--complicated world we live in--