The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8266   Message #50971
Posted By: Big Mick
26-Dec-98 - 06:09 PM
Thread Name: THANK YOU!
Subject: RE: THANK YOU!
Dick, Susan, and Max,

If it is not a well known fact, then let me make it one. The Mudcat and the DT are labors of love on the part of the three of you. Unless I am sadly mistaken, this venture, in no way, pays for itself. Hence, all the friendships made, music shared, laughs and happiness, good will and understanding spread; in short all that occurs here happens as a result of your kindness and interest. You have provided a venue that goes far beyond the simple sharing of songs. Go back and read some of these threads, and you will find an amazing testament to diversity of thought, and sharing of feelings. You will find people who play not a note and people who are noted in their fields sharing a thread and contributing to our community each in their own way. It is a world wide community which demonstrates the amazing potential of the web.

So, it is us who have benefitted from your labor of love who owe the thanks, and not the other way around. I appreciate your comment and accept it with the graciousness in which it was offered. But I must take it, multiply it by the number of lives The Mudcat/DT has touched, and shoot it right back to you.

All the very best,

Mick Lane