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Thread #34745   Message #510093
Posted By: JohnInKansas
18-Jul-01 - 11:02 PM
Thread Name: HTML Practice
Subject: RE: HTML Practice
Yes, I've found it pretty handy a couple of times. I followed the "Appendix E" table in the O'Reilly "HTML: the Definitive Guide," which I've found to be a pretty good reference.
One of the things that the O'Reilly guide does a good job on is pointing out things that work in Netscape but not in IE, & what works in newer viewers (or doesn't) that is different for older ones.
The table would be a lot handier to use if you could put it into multi-column format, but the only simple way to do that would be to use a "TABLE."
I need to go back to the Mudcat HTML guide before I do any more with it, because I seem to recall a comment about tables having, or causing, a problem with Mudcat's HTML handling.
A shorter table, with just characters from about number 191 through 255 would probably be the most help to people, since those characters cover most of the accents, breves, tildes, etc that would help clarify some of the non-English references that people put into threads.
We probably need some comment from people that know more about the data base before encouraging the use of "extended" characters there. If you're searching for "O'Henry" and someone put it in as "Ó Henry" it might make life more difficult instead of better.