The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36833   Message #511127
Posted By: Áine
20-Jul-01 - 09:32 AM
Thread Name: Song Challenge! - Part 61
Subject: RE: SONG CHALLENGE! - Part 61
Brilliant -- Both of you! Two fantastic openers for this crinkly Challenge! Here are your (brand new, hot off the back of the truck, and personally shined for each of you) Silver B.L.O.B.s --

To Amos, B.O.T.F. for:

He sang as he drove into town,
He was feelin' might pleased
For underneath his Levis he
Wore Reynolds' BVDs
He stopped along the Interstate, his longjohns sagging down
But his mother's words echoed again:
"Don't wear your drawers to town, son
Leave your drawers at home, Sam
Don't wear your drawers to town."

And to the omnicreative JenEllen for:

The woman we caught
In electronics last night
Thought she was incredibly wise
Said the aliens might be
Reading her brain waves
(Sorry, m'am that one only works for the guys...)

Way to go, Challenge!rs!! -- Áine