A Basic Folk Library - Online Resources
Alphabetical pages for online Biographies, Song and Tune Sites, Performers' Sites and Publishers' Sites can be accessed by clicking the appropriate link.
Online Resources - Articles
Cecil Sharp In America
Article "Cecil Sharp In America: Collecting in The Appalachians"
Online Resources - Bibliographies
A Traditional Music Library
A Bibliography of online songbooks etc. with links.
Appalachian Women and Traditional Music (resource)
A bibliography and other links for resources about Appalachian traditional music and women.
EFDSS Folksong Bibliography
David Atkinson's English Folk Song: an introductory bibliography (1999) is now available online via the English Folk Dance and Song Society. It is not limited to traditional song in England, though that is its main focus.
EFDSS Morris Dancing Bibliography
The EFDSS's Bibliography of books about Morris Dancing (Note the LIBRARY prefix - it also applies to Sword)
The Electric Book Company
A bibliography of e-texts available for sale.
Folklore and Society Series
University of Illinois Press "Folklore and Society" bibliography
David Herron's Chapbook
A list of folk song books in print in Britain and Ireland. Upkept by Dave Heron (Eckersley), The Traditional Song Forum.
Irish Music - Old Books
A catalogue of old books on Irish music.
Music In American Life Series
University of Illinois Press "Music In American Life" bibliography.
New College of California Guide to E-Texts
A bibliograhy of online e-texts.
Sources for Printed Music and Song Lyrics
This is part of "Music On & Off the Web: A Suite of Handouts" presented, Fall 1998; Revised April 1999 by Nell Ingalls, Research Librarian, Suburban Library System Reference Service.
The Scottish Folklore Page
A bibliography of books for sale on Scottish Folklore.
Women of Appalachia - Resources
A bibliography and other links.
Online Resources - Book Review Sites
Green Man Reviews
Source of many of the book reviews in these pages
Michael Raven's Songbooks
A review of Song books by Mike Raven.
Online Resources - Collections
American Folklife Centre (Library of Congress) Collections
A list of the collections available at the Library of Congress American Folklife Center. Includes a wide range of resources.
British and Irish Authors on The Web
Online books by a variety of British and Irish authors from Beowulf onwards. Useful for reference.
Women of Appalachia - resources
Frank C. Brown Collection
Frank C. Brown Collection of North Carolina Folklore.
Helen Hartness Flanders Ballad Collection
Anyone interested in making arrangements to hear the field recordings should get in touch with Mr. Terry Simpkins (tsimpkin@middlebury.edu). He is most enthusiastic about people interested in the Collection.
The Princess Grace Irish Library of Monaco
The Princess Grace Irish Library of Monaco ... has loads of interesting info.
Village Music Project
A study of English Social Musicians from the 17th century onwards from their manuscripts.
Online Resources - Historical Information
Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
History of Hymns Archive
United Methodist site. Upkept by William Reynolds.
WPA Life Histories Project
Writers' Project Association descriptions of life from the Federal Writers' Project (1936-1940). There's an online article here.
Online Resources - Miscellaneous
A Million Lives - Biography Resource
Enormous resource for short biographies of nearly everybody.
Canadian Journal For Traditional Music
A large archive of past issues of the journal, all available online, with some excellent articles.
The US Country Dance and Song Society.
Finding Songs in Songbooks & Anthologies: A Users’ Guide
"Are you looking for the words and music to a favorite song your grandmother used to sing, or a copy of your favorite Beatles song? These indexes, and our "Song Index" and "Sheet Music" card files, are designed to assist both you and the librarians in locating songs in song books and anthologies." Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.
Folklib Index
FolkLib Index - A library of Folk Music Links.
Dealer's "for sale" page.
More Music
A music search page.
Music 1 records search
A record search page.
Pro Music Find record search
Another record search page.
The Radio Ballads review
Review of one of the most influential radio series ever broadcast in the UK.
Song Notes: A Companion to the Old Town School of Folk Music
Notes on a song book which Joe Offer claims he would kill for!!!.
Swinburne (1866) Poems and Ballads
Swinburne's most influential poetic work as an e-text.
Traditional MP3s
A page of MP3s of traditional music.
WFMA (World Folk Music Association)
The World Folk Music Association's web page.
Last Updated : 05-10-2003 16:30