The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36868   Message #512754
Posted By: Charley Noble
23-Jul-01 - 03:34 PM
Thread Name: Cruelty to dinosaurs (and songs about them)
Subject: RE: Cruelty to dinosaurs
Very nice, Kevin!

I did pen some dinosaur verses to "Martin Said to His Man" which ran like this:

I saw a stegosaurus stagger through the door,
Fie, Man, Fie!
I saw a stegosaurus stagger through the door,
Who's the fool now?
I saw a stegosaurus stagger through the door,
Have one glass and fall through the floor,
Thou had well drunken and who's the fool now?

I saw a Tyrannosaurus Rex...
When there was no more Guiness, he was in a vex...

I saw a pteradactyle with a smile...
Say: "After a while crocodile!"...

I saw a triceratops in his shop...
Hard at work fermenting hops...

I saw a Brontosaurus with a thesaurus...
Searching for the ultimate chorus...

Here's a glass to you!