The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36951   Message #513264
Posted By: Noreen
24-Jul-01 - 08:07 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Ride On (Jimmy MacCarthy)
Subject: RE: Find a song...'Ride On'
If you type ride on into the Digitrad and Forum Seaarch box above the 'thread name' list, you will get a pageful of threads asking for and discussing this song, and about seven threads where the words have been posted.... ! including the following.

Ride on

HELP!!! Name of Song

Irish Song; 'Ride On'

Lyrics/ Ride on?

HELP !!!! asking for lyrics from Greece

Thought for the day - July 23, 2000

Must be due for harvesting soon...! Wonderful song- had me in tears at a party this weekend.


^^ [grin] Thanks for the hint, Norteen.
-Joe Offer-