The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36798   Message #513489
Posted By: GUEST
24-Jul-01 - 12:29 PM
Thread Name: Ani DiFranco Song Censored on Letterman?
Subject: RE: Ani DiFranco Song Censored on Letterman?
A problem with the problem of developers paving over all the cornfields?

That's not the point!

We're all on the same side of that.

And frustration runs high that no force can combat the "green" upon which that monster thrives.

Once built (by folks long gone as far as this discussion is concerned), people will come along and buy and thereby feed into the process like throwing water on gremlins.

That those purchases are unwise in the eyes of a socially concerned community is well known, and also not the point of this discussion.

That those purchases are the result of "scare tactics" that convince people that downtown living is dangerous and unhealthy is also well known, and not the point of this discussion.

Socially offensive lyrics directed toward a group who cannot defend themselves (and probably didn't want to live on those loopdeloop streets anyway).

If you think the manifestation of Dr. King's dream is a good idea, you gotta stop allowing people to profit by exploiting distinctions based soley on a particular skin hue or gender or ethnicity.

Ya gotta make it intolerable - no exceptions. Or we'll never get past this thing.

"Black & white" is a political thing. People don't come in two shades, they come in 12,684 shades. The difference between any two is so slight as to be indistinguishable. Racism must be seen multiculturally and condemned on all sides equally.

People naturallyl and continually test the limits of acceptable behavior, then adopt those to which no shame is attached.

Make racial stereotyping always unacceptable (even the rather seemingly unoffensive "asians are inscrutable") or "whites are so scared of blacks" or "blacks have a great sense of rhythm").

Says me, Bob P