The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36868   Message #513524
24-Jul-01 - 01:08 PM
Thread Name: Cruelty to dinosaurs (and songs about them)
Subject: RE: Cruelty to dinosaurs
They WERE warm blooded, as the "experts" finally agree. I think they also had feathers., well, they didn't have hair , or did they? It's highly unlikely that any warm blooded animal had "bare skin". Feathers or hair would not have become "Fossilized"

They died in large groups or we wouldn't have petroleum. Think of how many dinosaurs there must have been to make all the gasoline, diesel and heating oil that we burn up every day.

I REALLY DO THINK THAT THEY BECAME CIVILIZED AND EXTINGUISHED THEMSELVES. we better watch out that we don't do the same. After 150 million years there won't be anything left of our civilization that could be recognized as being "artificial" either.