The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36962   Message #514137
Posted By: Irish sergeant
25-Jul-01 - 08:52 AM
Thread Name: Revisionist opinion on the Kingston Trio
Subject: RE: Revisionist opinion on the Kingston Trio
Good Morning! I don't listen much to the Kingston Trio anymore but I always liked them! Of course I first heard them when I was four or five. I coome from a large family and a couple of my older siblings were into them (All the rage in 1957-59). Were they commercial. Hell yeah but then that was the only folk experience some people ever got. I grew up durung the whole folk era (for lack of a better term) and I think it faded because people became a bit disillusioned. I don't know ho relevant my theory is but to me it makes sense. Meanwhile to groups like the Kingston Trio who were compared to light beer thanks for opening the door so I could find the Guinness. Kindest reguards, Neil