The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36962   Message #514146
Posted By: JedMarum
25-Jul-01 - 09:03 AM
Thread Name: Revisionist opinion on the Kingston Trio
Subject: RE: Revisionist opinion on the Kingston Trio
I can't say I disliked the Kingstin Trio, way back when I first heard 'em. I did think they were a bit bland. I enjoyed seeing/hearing some of the other performers within the genre, Odetta, Pete Seeger, Chad Mitchell Trio, Ranblin Jack - then later Dylan, Baez, Paxton, Ian and Sylivia. I was a 12 years old when a network TV show called "Hootenany" came on. They had all of these performers, and more. While I liked the KT songs, and thought they were OK, I loved the edgier sounds of some others. Remember Theodre Bickel? I only heard him sing/play on that TV show, but he was wonderful. I also saw Johnny Cash for the first time on Hootenany (my mother was disgusted, "Oh he's on something," she assured anyone within earshot - she was probably correct).

But I'd have to say my first real folk-style hero was Tom Rush. Maybe because he was a local boy and I'd seen him a time or two. Similarly, I was hooked by Bill Staines way back in the mid/late 60s - also a local boy, to me.

Rick, I had the same sort of reaction you did to the KT TV ad. They sounded better then I'd remembered them, and I felt a new respect for their contribution ... but then, that is exactly what the marketeers wanted us to feel!

Great thread!