The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5205   Message #514380
Posted By: Abby Sale
25-Jul-01 - 01:42 PM
Thread Name: Tony Rose
Subject: RE: Tony Rose
Hi, George. Well, it is a weird approach to funny stuff but now I think I have gained a new understanding. This stuff you call 'humour.' I guess that funny things, therefore, are 'humourous,' which, of course, is a bone (from Latin humerus, umerus upper arm) so to "tickle one's funnybone" would have the literal meaning, simply, of being 'humourous.' I get it now!

I'm still not very familiar with UK humour but I did live in Edinburgh for a bit. That was pretty funny. I distinctly recall a BBC London reporter laughing hysterically when reporting on a new chip shop in London that was selling haggis pudding. He was totally zonked at the notion and couldn't imaging anying inventing or eating such a novel thing. It was especially funnybonish to me since I was actually eating a haggis pudding at that very moment. They were available in Scottish chip shops since the invention of the wheel. Of course, by now you can probably get MacDonald's at the chip shop.

Does T.Rose appear on the Web anywhere?