The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37030   Message #515104
Posted By: Little Hawk
26-Jul-01 - 02:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cuba
Subject: RE: BS: Cuba
True, McGrath. Vietnam is a case in point.

If the USA ever collects its accumulated karma for Vietnam, Cuba, Chile, El Salvador, the Indians, and a host of other convenient recipients of the ongoing pursuit of Manifest Destiny and the Allmighty Buck, it will make Sodom and Gomorrah look like a picnic.

One man's lawbreaker is another man's freedom fighter, and George Bush can go to hell as far as I'm concerned. He says what his handlers tell him to say. The people who opposed the Nazis were "lawbreakers" too...Germany had laws in place...remember? Just because a law is on the books does not mean it is a rightful law in a greater human sense. George Washington and all his men were lawbreakers too. Your greatest heroes were the most notorious lawbreakers of their day.

And for those who hate Castro...well, you should consider what was there before him. Castro was a huge improvement over Batista, which is why he won his revolution, although he had far less money and far less firepower than Batista did. Castro admired the American revolutionaries of 1776, but he did not realize at first that only money counts in America now, and that the ideals of 1776 were buried long, long ago in the vaults of Fort Knox and the halls of the Pentagon.

Castro fought for national sovereignty, land for the small farmers, universal medical care and education for the populace, and racial equality, and he achieved all of those. His opponents fought for the Mafia, the casinos, laundered money, and the maintenance of a gigantic island-sized whorehouse. Pick your sides, folks.

- LH