The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37130   Message #517014
Posted By: sledge
29-Jul-01 - 05:19 AM
Thread Name: International festival of the sea
Subject: International festival of the sea
The 23rd to 27th August this year see Portsmouth (uk) host the international festival of the sea. Lots of tall ships are expected to be there as are some replica historical ships.

I suppose there will be a fair amount of tat as there usualy is at such events but the hook that caught my eye is the 30 or so shanty and folk acts that have been booked to perform, either on set stages or as wandering minstrels. Because of this I fully intend going, its very local to me so not doing so would be somewhat negligent.

Its over a bank holidaay weekend so it will probably bucket down but we might be lucky in which case the mudcat shirt or badge should be on view in case any catters fancy a tot or two of grog, or beer, or anything really, I'm easy, yes the rumors are probably true.

