The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37223   Message #517120
Posted By: GUEST
29-Jul-01 - 10:28 AM
Thread Name: Req: WormWood Carol / Worthywood Carol
Subject: WormWood Carol
I'm hunting for a carol I last heard in the '80s (ok, so I'm a slow typist!)

I believe it is called the Wormwood Carol and some of the words are

Sleep, my lovely little, son,
Sleep my lovely, lovely little one
You were born to die for we
All upon the criss-cross tree
Sleep, then!


... you won't mind, If we treat you too unkind,
Sleep, then!

... For the world is heavy gold
For your little hand to hold
Sleep then!

This message moved from a duplicate thread.
-Joe Offer-