The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37130 Message #517167
Posted By: Charley Noble
29-Jul-01 - 12:18 PM
Thread Name: International festival of the sea
Subject: RE: International festival of the sea
Any it's a lovely Celtic harp made by Julia's husband and playing partner Fred Gosbie.
I can't begin to imagine the havoc and confusion possible with 30 shanty groups in one old port city but if someone provides me some details I'd be willing to draft some verses. In the meantime here's an opening broadside:
There were ten and twenty shanty groups bound for Portsmouth Town. After ten and twenty hours they lay shit-faced on the ground,
Singing haul-a-way me halyards, holla-baloo-belay! We'll be friggin' in the riggin' before the break of day! Feel free to add your own.;-)