The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37030   Message #517367
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Jul-01 - 07:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cuba
Subject: RE: BS: Cuba
And don't forget to mention Washington's spectacular success over the last 50 years in provoking Communist revolutions in a host of places by supporting dictatorships that drove desperate 3rd World people to look for help elsewhere...such as the USSR...since they could get no help from America, which was funding their oppressors and their death squads.

That the Soviets also supported numerous dictatorships does not excuse Washington for doing so, and at the same time having the gall to call itself the leader of the "Free World". Free of what, is the question? They'd charge us for air and sunlight if they could figure out how to corner the market on them...

- LH