The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37098   Message #517721
Posted By: kendall
30-Jul-01 - 12:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kendall in England
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall in England
I dont think I'm Bi-polar, because my highs just feel like normal to me. If we draw a base line at zero, with extremes of ,say, 20 in each direction, my highs would be something like 5, and, my lows, 10-15. Right now, I'm about 12. As an example of a high, I probably hit 15 when I was told that I was going to record for Folk Legacy, and, a low of maybe, 15 when I got divorced. I've never been suicidal, although it has crossed my mind how easy it would be. I have a natural aversion to suicide, because I believe in re-incarnation, and, if you commit suicide, you have to come back as a public servant. Humor is the opiate of the melancholy.