The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37033   Message #518088
Posted By: Deckman
30-Jul-01 - 10:12 PM
Thread Name: Leadbelly's Real Name
Subject: RE: Lead Belly's Real Name
Hi Don, I've got a real mystery on my hands! The book tell me that Leadbelly died in Dec. 6th of 1949, of "amyotropic lateral sclerosis - a form of poliomyelitis." I also remember Walt telling me that he had met Leadbelly several times. This book wasn't published until 1971. Library of Congress number 70-134214. It says, "first printing". Going to your question, yes, I do believe I'm reading it correctly. It's dated 16 July 1972. We'll be down soon for a visit, and to delivar the taper recorder from Jo Harms. I'll bring this book along and maybe you can figgure it out! I dunno. I dunno. I dunno ...Cheers, Bob