The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37201   Message #518452
Posted By: Bernard
31-Jul-01 - 01:21 PM
Thread Name: Help: UK Catter at Risk
Subject: RE: Help: UK Catter at Risk
Talking helps - but listening is the important thing.

I know - I'm in and out of suicidal moods on a frighteningly regular basis, and the few friends who have stuck by me are the reason why I haven't done it - yet...

Samaritans et al are all very well, but they aren't 'real' people, if you know what I mean. There's no way I would ring them - I don't see how a total stranger can help me. That's all part of depression. I imagine your friend may see it the same way.

My life saver was St. John's Wort - the medical profession let me down with their chemicals that just didn't suit me. The side effects were intolerable, and caused me to drive away the best friend I'd ever had.

Medication helps - if it's the right stuff - but it doesn't make the root problem go away. It just makes it more tolerable.

If your friend wants to contact me by phone, send me the number by email...

Whatever you do, don't try to 'make them see reason' or 'snap out of it', because depression takes away that ability. Such conversations have quite the opposite effect from what was intended.

As I said - I know. I'm there myself...