The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37226   Message #518747
Posted By: M.Ted
31-Jul-01 - 09:15 PM
Thread Name: Seek name of this Harmonica group
Subject: RE: Seek name of this Harmonica group
Oh, my God! I had forgotten til just this minute--and of course, as kids, it was a favorite stunt--actually,we thought the gag was hysterical, even in college--in fact, I would still do it now, except for the legal issues--

As per the Martin/Adler Gershwin album, I saw something about it on TV a while back, but haven't heard it yet--have you? Is it good? I am very fond of that sort of thing-- picked up the the Noel Coward tribute recently, was especially impressed with the Pet Shop Boys version of "Sail Away", and I have a lot of fun playing "guess who this" is with a certain superstar's version of "A Room with A View"--