The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37201   Message #519101
Posted By: Skipjack K8
01-Aug-01 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: Help: UK Catter at Risk
Subject: RE: Help: UK Catter at Risk
MW Friend, this affects us all. If the worst does come to pass, we will all be raking over things we may have posted to your friend, wishing we perhaps hadn't, etc. I absolutely respect your desire for anonymity, but please, can I ask that you join Mudcat, to use the Personal Message system, and then post Personal Messages to any UK Mudcats who may be close to your, and by association, our friend. Short of that e-mail me at

and I will PM any Mudcat members who you think canb help.

It might help, just might. If the worst happens, the identity will out, and if the best happens, you will be exposed as the true friend you are.
