The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36896   Message #519700
Posted By: DebC
02-Aug-01 - 11:02 AM
Thread Name: DebC coming to NYC
Subject: RE: DebC coming to NYC
I, too have been away for a while. Thanks to kat for the nice words and I gotta say....I had a wonderful time with Sandy and Caroline Paton last weekend at the Falcon Ridge Folk Festival. Being with them was the highlight of my weekend.

And as for Pinewoods, I hope that you get the chance to hear the Bermuda Quadrangle. Wow, Jeff Warner, Jeff Davis, David Jones and Jerry Epstein all in one place at one time! That will be one fantastic concert. There is a thread on this concert Here

And hats off to Suffet who is doing a great job on gettin' the word out.

Cheers, Deb