The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8422   Message #52019
Posted By: Joe Offer
05-Jan-99 - 03:22 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Recording Artists
Subject: Mudcat Reporting Artists
As many of us know, Art Thieme (click here) came out with a terrific CD late in the summer, and many of us have added it to our collections.
Well, another Mudcatteer has come out with a CD, and it's a good one. He's known to us as Liam's Brother, but his own name is Dan Milner. His CD, recorded with Louis Killen, Mick Moloney, Andy O'Brien, and others, is called Irish Ballads and Songs of the Sea, and it's available from Folk-Legacy Records (click here).
If you prefer, Dan says he can offer the CD for $15 (or GBP12) post-paid to Mudcatters who are interested. Just send him a personal message, and he'll write back and tell you where to send your check. Click here for a previous thread about this CD.
This is good, honest music - 15 darn good songs, mostly with a nautical flavor. Dan and his crew do a great job, and you're likely to want to sing along on every cut. Most of the songs are in the database - maybe we can cajole Dan to post the lyrics the Digital Tradition doesn't have. Click on the Folk-Legacy link for more information about this terrific CD.
Anybody else here who's trying to sell CD's they've recorded?
-Joe Offer-