I don't know if this is what you're looking for. I found it in an old YHA Songbook.
Watching the Wheat.
Idle days in summer Time,
In pleasant sunny weather
A-mid the golden colour'd corn,
Two lovers passed together.
Many words they did not speak,
To give their thoughts expression,
Each knew the other's heart was full,
But neither made confession.
Winter came and then alas
Came cold and dreary weather,
No more lovers pass'd their days,
A-mid the fields together.
Cruel fate has sever'd them,
and both are broked hearted;
Had they been wed in summer time,
They would not now be parted.
There's also a version in Welsh which I don't understand. This is missing a few accents here and there.
Bugeilio'r Gwenith Gwyn
Mi sydd fachgen ieuanc ffol,
Yn byw yn ol fy ffansi
Myfi'n bugeilio'r gwenith gwyn,
Ac arail yn ei fedi.
Pam na ddeui ar fy ol,
Ryw ddydd ar ol ei gilydd?
Gwaith r'wy'ndy wel'd y feinir fach
Yn lanach lanach beunydd.
Glanach lanach wyt bob dyd,
Neu fi yn wir s'yn ffolach,
Er mwyn y gwr a wnaeth dy wedd
Gwna im drugaredd bellach:
Cwn dy ben, gwel occo draw.
Rho i mi'ith law wendirion,
Gwaith yn dy fynwes berth ei thro,
Mae allweth clo fy nghalon.