The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37312   Message #520563
Posted By: Little Hawk
03-Aug-01 - 02:43 PM
Thread Name: Lyr/Chords Req: Farewell Angelina (Bob Dylan)
True. He is indeed. Somebody tell Dick Greenhaus...

flattop - I was referring to the feeling of being semi-homeless.

If I did think that anything could be imitated perfectly, then I would give some consideration to that notion about not dying, but........I don't. To put it simply. Without death, how can rebirth occur? Dorian Gray was enamoured of not dying, and look where it got him.

Here's a Dylan quote that is so easy to understand that it really leaves little to debate about...

"There's a whole lot of people in trouble tonight
From the disease of conceit,
Whole lot of people seeing double tonight
From the disease of conceit,
If your delusions of grandeur
And an evil eye
Give you the idea that
You're too good to die,
Then they bury you from your head down to your feet
From the disease of conceit."

(- Bob Dylan)

- LH