The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37407   Message #521398
Posted By: DonMeixner
05-Aug-01 - 12:16 PM
Thread Name: Help with short scales.
Subject: Help with short scales.
I noticed of late that my ability on the guitar is getting less dependable. Last night moreso than in the recent past. The growth of scar tissue on top of the saw injury is forcing my fingers to curl more as time passes.

This means that my finger span from thumb to little finger is lessening as well. Chords that span three frets are very hard to play below the second fret. I was wondering about building a guitar with a shorter scale. Equivilent to a standard size guitar capoed at the 2nd or third fret.

With so short a scale and tuned to a standard guitar tuning, what do I lose in the way of volume, tone, play ability.

Also, as an option what is a baritone guitar? How are they tuned? Where do the sound? I see that Dan Electro has a baritone electric, are there such accoustics.

Its a guitar for me. I am unwilling to learn all over again how to play a new instrument. Having done so three times because of injury I just don't have the energy to learn a new skill. Maybe its time to accept the inevitable and stick with singing.
