The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37498   Message #522683
Posted By: GUEST
07-Aug-01 - 01:24 PM
Thread Name: Kiawa Flute And Bamboo Penny whistles
Subject: Kiawa Flute And Bamboo Blues Penny whistles
Today is my birthday and I was just given a Kiawa Love Flute (this makes me a bit nervous as I was a guy who gave it to me, I wish to call it a just Kiawa Flute. We work at a Newspaper, I am a graphic artist, he a sales rep . He sells the space and I create concepts and themes and set the ads.)

The flute can be seen at the maker's website He also has bamboo pennywhistles including one he says has a "blues scale" I remember somebody posting about blues whistling. Can/t remember if it was here or at Chiff & Fipple On the Kiawa flute there are two tubes that extend out at an angle from a mouthpiece. The mouthpiece has two air pasages one to a straight tube that drones the other to a 5 holed tube where you play melody. I guess this is technically a whistle,is it not?

Cool whatever it is. So what kind of things should I play with it? Suggestions please.