The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37548 Message #523843
Posted By: Mr Red
08-Aug-01 - 05:53 PM
Thread Name: What is a Shanty
Subject: RE: What is a Shanty
What about Pit Shanties? (that's easy for me to say ---- sober) I once heard a chant in Hong Kong and rushed round the corner to "collect" a song. Only to find a load of strongarms humping a huge electrical cabinet down a flight of stairs. They were shouting in unison as they heaved down each step. Definitely a chanty. But not a song. What about the waulking songs of the Hebridees? work songs and chants. The Spinning Wheel? Butter making songs to time the churning? If they are rhytmical they are shanties, Sea shanties are just a subset and often "river songs" and stevedore songs are mistakenly called "sea" shanties like "Esokebo River" ---- these are murky waters indeed And I bet you will find grape treading songs of the vintners of the Dordoinge or Corbiers or Burgundy or...... cheers