The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8426   Message #52501
Posted By: Big Mick
07-Jan-99 - 07:18 AM
Thread Name: banned songs
Subject: RE: banned songs
As I read over my postings, I realized that I did not say what I meant very well. Let me try it plainly. First, I do not buy into the notion that dislike of a certain style of music AND saying so should be considered as a form of censorship. Some of my PC friends seem to imply to me that my dislike of hip hop or rap and vocalizing that dislike when I subjected to it against my will is a form a censorship. I disagree, as I don't give a damn who listens to what. In fact, I recognize that this music and the anger some of it expresses against the system can almost be considered a form of "folk" music. The lyrics often deal with issues of the times, dissatisfaction with the system, and/or tells a story of the times. I have no quarrel with people who take that view. I simply dislike the music, and find it lacking in musical artistry. And I intensely dislike it intruding on my "space" at all hours, or in traffic, or some of the other circumstances described above. Art I think I am saying that I am in agreement with you. In my own beloved Irish/Celtic music, I am somewhat distressed at the pale attempts to create "celtic" music as the new agers want it to be, instead of what it is. But the form is historically fluid, and it is strong enough to stand the test of time.

And I am bored stiff with WALTZING WITH BEARSNever have cared for it, and probably never will.

Great thread, love the debate.

Mick Lane