The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8426   Message #52538
Posted By: Jon W.
07-Jan-99 - 11:07 AM
Thread Name: banned songs
Subject: RE: banned songs
The flip side of Give Ireland Back to the Irish was an instrumental with the same title but a different melody (the rhythm background may have been the same). I used it as background music for a short 8mm film I made in High School (don't remember what the film was about). I was surprised nobody had ever heard it before. We had the 45. Ritchie, don't worry about having never gotten a copy of it, Dr. John is right: naive and poor (typical of McCartney's work without Lennon--on the other hand, Lennon without McCartney lacked energy and ambition--they needed each other).

Speaking of naivete, is it possible to be innocent without being naive? As Jesus said, wise as serpents but harmless as doves? That's what I strive for and that's why I think it's important to know the lyrics of the songs you listen to, in order to make an intelligent choice as to what you want to allow inside your head. That's why I listen to folk and hang out at the Mudcat.