The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37626   Message #525539
Posted By: Joan from Wigan
11-Aug-01 - 02:41 AM
Thread Name: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Subject: RE: This site is NOT like all the rest.
I agree with everything Traddles has said. Since I became a member, I have become "addicted" to Mudcat because of the sense of community as well as the amount, variety and quality of information available. Unless I'm away (which I shall be later this morning - it's 7.30am here) I usually log on to Mudcat twice a day, just to make sure I don't miss anything. I don't always have the time to post, and I usually have to save a thread to read offline, but it is definitely unique, there is no other site I access as much. Many thanks to Max for making this possible, but it wouldn't have happened without all the regulars who have made it what it is.

My daughter's boyfriend uses my computer to log on to the chatrooms at Yahoo, and I find it unbelievable the amount of inconsiderate yobs there who are just too full of their own egos and prejudices to give any consideration to other people's thoughts and opinions. Although the occasional Mudcat poster is inflammatory, at least (a) you can ignore them and (b) they can't foul up the system for genuine users.

Long live Mudcat!
