The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37626   Message #525547
Posted By: BlueJay
11-Aug-01 - 04:02 AM
Thread Name: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Subject: RE: This site is NOT like all the rest.
It seems to me that part of The Mudcat's success is it's broad scope. There are lots of good newsgroups, chatrooms etc devoted to music. I've even met some of these fine folks in 3-D. But, and correct me if I am wrong, most of these sites are pretty specific. Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Blues, Jazz etc. Also, many of these sites are on a technical level that is beyond me.

But they are still pretty specific. They are usually talking about the proper thickness of mandolin frets for a particular instrument, or new equipment, or the cool 30 year old Guild 12 string on e-bay. Again, this is all well and good. The world is a better place for it.

But it's just not the same. Folk, Traditional and Blues covers a hell of a lot of territory. It seems to me that just about anyone with a sincere interest in music at any level could find a home here. I think our strength is in our diversity.

I enjoy the political debates. I enjoy the fantasy and comedy of The Mudcat. I am touched by the love and support during hard times, and the celebrations during good times. I don't like flame wars, so I stay out of them. And the musical contributions and advice just continue and continue. There's not a better blend anywhere, IMO.

I'm pretty inexperienced. I doubt if I've visited even half of the 100 million or so web sites out there. I'll keep looking. But so far, nothing has come even close to The Mudcat Cafe. Thanks, BlueJay