The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37626   Message #525626
Posted By: GUEST,Toledo
11-Aug-01 - 10:21 AM
Thread Name: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Subject: RE: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Well, let me be the first not to preach to the choir.

I don't think Mudcat is an authentic community in the 3D sense, and I've been a community activist for most of my adult life. I've also participated in on-line "community music forums" for about ten years.

I also don't see Mudcat as being "more special" than other groups, especially, the only other on-line community music forum with a similar subject focus. People from that newsgroup meet, have gotten to know one another, share stories and discuss politics, just as people do here.

People have stomped out of there over flame wars too, some return, some never come back.

It seems to me the real problem currently with Mudcat is that it's become a bit too inbred. A lot of regulars here seem to only frequent this forum, rather than visit a number of on-line music forums. They seem naive, and maybe a bit too insular.

Two things have driven me out of Mudcat repeatedly in the last six months though. The level of personal banter (that isn't what I'm here for) about individual's problems, and the way I saw Bruce Olson treated. I've ducked in and out over summer to see if either circumstance has changed. It seems neither has.

While the exodus of people with depth and breadth of knowledge about the music may not bother the "our community is so special" types, it DOES bother me. I come to Mudcat for music, not community.

Which means I come less and less often.