The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37626   Message #525703
Posted By: Rick Fielding
11-Aug-01 - 01:53 PM
Thread Name: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Subject: RE: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Good thread. better than others of it's ilk. I have to agree with "Guest Toledo" (I've never had a problem with "guest postings") about good 3D neighbours being important. Heather and I have been blessed with wonderful neighbours. When they're away, we watch out for them, and vice versa. makes you feel decently secure.

But I gotta say that the "community feel" here comes a close second to our 3D friends, neighbours, and music buddies. I'm trying to work out a British tour right now (with the help of a couple of professional music Mudcatter friends) and if you don't think part of the fun is gonna be trying to meet folks like Jon, McGrath, Roger the Skiffler, and the people who go to the "JUG" you're wrong. By the way "JUG folks", Heather and I WON'T take up much space, and I NEVER talk while the music's playin'!

Not sure what you mean "Guest Me" about "conforming". What's to "conform to"? This has always struck me as a pretty divergent group ranging from New Age Birkenstock lefties, to hard ass tough guys. (and occasional tough gals!) We've got folks who obviously believe that politeness counts, and those that wouldn't say "please or thank you" if they fell in it. We've got those who pray for everything and those who's only prayer is that they don't get messages from the former. There's at least a few who'll listen when I rail on about the minutiae of old time country and Bluegrass music, weird chords, and adventures from the road. Many could care less. So what?

If there's any pressure to conform to something (other than not being a horse's ass) I don't see it.

