The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37626   Message #525732
Posted By: GUEST,Toledo
11-Aug-01 - 02:42 PM
Thread Name: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Subject: RE: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Ickle Dorrit.

We do keep mentioning it because some of us are completely baffled by some who seem live on this site 24/7.

Surely you aren't suggesting that some people who frequent Mudcat might not have internet addictive personalities (I'm trying to be delicate here)?


Please understand I don't mean this as criticism, but you are pretty heavily invested in Mudcat, what with the radio show and all. And I'm happy it is here as a resource for professional and semi-professional musicians to get in touch with promoters and dj's, hawk their wares, etc.

I can't judge how useful Mudcat is for those folks, or compare it to other forums in that regard, because I don't use any of the forums to conduct business. I consider it to be perfectly legitimate to use the forum in that way, but I think those who are invested like that, and who benefit from Mudcat's presence, might have a slightly prejudiced point of view, shall we say?

With kind regards.