The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37626   Message #525753
Posted By: Rick Fielding
11-Aug-01 - 03:22 PM
Thread Name: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Subject: RE: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Hi "Guest Toledo".

I do indeed consider I have an investment here, but I assure you it's in the time I spend, and has virtually nothing to do with my radio show, or for the most part any of the things I do to earn a living. The radio show information has been out of date for years! I did send in two or three shows, but that became difficult to do when some equipment was changed at the station, and although it's been mentioned a few times nobody's changed the "10 o'clock" time slot. It never mattered much to me 'cause if people want to hear it on realaudio they can. If someone else starts a thread on it (or a gig or tour notice), I'll respond, but I've never been comfortable with self-promotion....not even in the 3D world where I SHOULD do it, ha Ha!

I used to get up in the morning, read the paper, drink tons of coffee, and then clean my studio (or something else equally practical) I do the coffee and paper and head straight to Mudcat! Maybe it's more ADDICTION than investment!

P.S. I spend too much time on "Red Hot Jazz" and History websites as well!
