The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37626   Message #525776
Posted By: catspaw49
11-Aug-01 - 04:04 PM
Thread Name: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Subject: RE: This site is NOT like all the rest.
It's an online community and for many it has similar friendships as in 3-D. Some also meet regularly and many have phone conversations on a regular basis.

and yeah......I go other places on the net.....and I have a 3-D life. I am well aware of how much I'm here, but I also have plenty of other things happening in the real world as well.

Lessee.......Today, I worked on my motorcycle, ran to the store, talked to my maw-in-law, and Karen and I sanded and painted the floor in an upstairs bedroom we are converting to a small art studio for my son Michael. I watched the end of a NASCAR race and have supper ready to go into the oven. I'm going to watch the Unlimited Hydro Gold Cup races from Detroit and after supper we have another couple coming over. Tomorrow I need to cut the grass, continue with the laundry and the new room, and maybe we'll take the afternoon and run up to Columbus for a COSI visit.

Since Karen works nights and sleeps days, there are times I am here more than others, but no....I don't live here permanently. When I check e-mail, I always check the 'Cat, and at times when I can't sleep, I can generally find a few threads to take part in.
