The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37626   Message #525868
Posted By: Geoff the Duck
11-Aug-01 - 06:39 PM
Thread Name: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Subject: RE: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Last night th twins woke at 12.30 (just after midnight) They spent all night kicking us out of bed in their sleep. We didn't get much rest. During the day they occupy most of our time.
We do not get the opportunity to seek out a 3-D community. About all we manage beyond an occasional visit to the Jug is here. At the 3-D music session there is very little opportunity to actually converse with the other participants. We chat more with Mudcatters via the forum and on Paltalk or ICQ than we are allowed to do with any of the so-called real world.
Is the Mudcat a community? It reminds me of some pubs which I used to frequent. There are people who prop up the bar and spout to anyone who will listen. There are those who talk to you because you are there. There are others who really care about who you are and what interests you. Some just come for a pint and to relax. We all have our own reasons and expectations. That is a big part of what defines a community to me. You may be in hyperspace, but at least those who care belong to the same world!
Geoff the Duck!