The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37654   Message #526001
Posted By: Barbara
12-Aug-01 - 12:29 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Possum in the Headlights of Your Love
Hi Friends, here's a song by Mudcatter Sandy Bob.

(Craig Brandis, copyright 1997)

I'm just a possum in the headlights of your love,
You run me down and I still can't get enough.
Guess I'll carry this heavy load
Till they scrape me from the road;
I'm just a possum in the headlights of your love.

You say we're through, you say you found another love,
But you like to tease me, to give my heart a shove;
I am weary to the bone,
Can't you leave my heart alone?
I'm just a possum in the headlights of your love.

You leave behind the litter of those not as tough;
The hearts and innards of the ones whom you've rebuffed.
Still my love for you burns bright
By the roadside at night;
I'm just a possum in the headlights of your love.

"This is my co-dependent love song; the 'Road kill of Love' song," Craig Brandis said. "It's kind of an amalgam of various experiences and though I don't usually talk about my songs - I just sing them -- I loved what you [the editor] said. It's like standing in the middle of the train tracks with the train bearing down, and thinking, 'Oh gosh, I guess I better move'."
"I found the hook first, and with a hook that good, I took it as a challenge to write a song as good as the tag line," he explained.
Brandis is a Pacific Northwest songwriter, and has been writing songs for over fifteen years. He is probably best known for his song, "Not In The Book", about songs excluded from Rise Up Singing. He also wrote "The Gill-netter Song".
"The songs I have loved the most, the ones I thought were quintessentially about a particular experience, often times when the song writers describe how they wrote them, they will say the song was just a fragment; that they didn't have anything in particular in mind; that the idea just grew from a phrase," Brandis said.
"I don't know where these things come from. You work on your craft, you polish it, and you grow the ideas, they just come to you," he said.
"I write mostly topical songs and ballads something with a strong storyline - those are what interest me the most, that and satirical ones like this one," he said.
Is this a satirical song?
"Well, yes, though there is a truth in it, and a truth also that you can laugh at yourself," he said.
Though he writes songs, he would not call himself prolific. "If I keep it up at this rate, by the time I'm ninety, I'll have a CD together," Brandis joked. Actually, he has enough material at this point to make a recording, and he invites people to "drop me an email and encourage me to put it together; put your name on the mailing list for the upcoming CD."