The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37626   Message #526245
Posted By: Art Thieme
12-Aug-01 - 04:02 PM
Thread Name: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Subject: RE: This site is NOT like all the rest.
Comes down to this; I like it here.

Often a facetious response seems appropriate and sometimes I even have something decent to add to a discussion. It used to be more true that the topics were ones that made me interested enough that I'd might want to respond. Often I'm not in physical shape to jump in even when interested in a thread. But I enjoy seeing what profound and/or silly topic is uppermost in whomever's profound and/or silly mind at the moment. And I've not found another site like this one yet. That does not bother me any more than the actual fact that alien life forms have yet to reveal themselves to me. I know what I know---like what I like---jump in when the water sin't too cold or too warm. I know that some infantile children like to piss in the water, but it's good to know that Joe is handy with the chlorine bottle. Lemon-colored clouds in the water might've got me upset me if I'd personally seen it physiologically syphoned/injected into the water. --- What I don't know about, hopefully, won't hurt me (much). Reading the thread title should give me at least a hint about the topic being discussed. If the ink looks yellow, I just assume it's that kind of journalism -- and I leave those threads alone. I'm probably better off for it.

I've made some friends here and reinforced many other important friendships.---Several I've even talked to on the phone. (No, Harpgirl does not sound like Blossom Dearie even though that's how I pictured her voice in my mind's ear.) Many people I knew during my road years are here, lurking. I know. They tell me when I embarrass myself --- or if I say good stuff once in a while too. Many even understood and knew why I started that condom thread ages ago. It's always great to reunite with old and new friends here at Mudcat and I thank "Max and the boys"* for all of that. I've swapped CDs and tapes with so many mudcatters that I can't even count 'em. (If Dick wonders why I've not ordered from Camsco recently, it's because that's the way I hear music these days. It leaves more cash for medical needs.) Carol and I wear Tallahassee T-shirts we've been sent by a Mudcatter and we've had visits from Mudcatters just passin' through mid-America. We send private messages to folks commiserating about medical frailties all the time.

Well, if this doesen't look like a 3-D community, it's only 'cause you've got (at least) one eye closed.

All the best, my friends,

Art Thieme (* see John Steinbeck's great short novel, Cannery Row)